Waterfront with Babygurls ^^

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee ~ Baru balik dari Woodland waterfront . Have fun damn much . Wooohooo :) Reach there at 10.40 am . Pakcik i antar . Thanks pakcik . Then we take out our food . Fuyooh  , banyak giler makanan . Mcm camping 3 days 2 night . K mepekkkk ! Then we eat , we talk , we play panjat panjat , we play monopoly . So much fun today . Tapi yang paling tak best is HUJANNNN ! Alaaa :( kalau tak ujan , kita can stay for another 1 to 2 hours . Planned ruined ! Ok i jadi photgraphy for the day . Best'best . So was uploading pic now . Lembsssssssssss laa sehhh !

Missing yuu :'(

Iqaa Annabel sayang satu orang ajeer laa . Takde orang lain yang boleh gantikan yuu di dalam hati i . Its been sometimes since we break . U tahu kenape i tunggu yuu walaupun i tahu u takkan patah alik pada i ? I pernaah kate pat yuu yang i akan sehidup semati dengan yuu walaupun dalam kesusahan . And i taknak mumgkir janji . Do yuu know that its yuu i want to live with ? I sungguh jealous dengan orang yang ade matair . I nak u alik tapi i tahu i tak layak terima cinta yuu . Yuu deserve someone better . I nak yuu jadi milik i yang sesungguhnye <3 . I nak yuu maafkan kesalahan i . I nak bahagia macam dulu . My love for yuu will never fade away :'( . Iqaa shyg ___________ ajeer ! I cuma nak tulus kasih sayang dari yuu . I nak yuu simpan cinta i di dalam hati u . I sayang __________ jugakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !

Rinduu Girl-Friends I ^^

Ini saye punye kaki gerek pat skolah ^^ Kawan baik me for 2 years .Andand i hope they are with me forever <3 . They are like my second family . tapi'tapi ni tak complete . Sofiyah tak dtg so our group blom complete . Since darh tutup skolah , i missssssssssss you guysss lah . Tapitapi naseb baik kite ade outing .Tak sabr geeeeeeee nak jumpe krg . Jangan tak jadie tau ! 

8 Nov 2010 - school 
13 Nov 2010 - Picnic @ Woodland Waterfront 
Mid Deccember - Bugis or Tampinese mall

Last Day ^^

Me happy banget ! Me dapat top 10 in level and top 10 in class . I also get promoted to Normal academic stream . Just now at the parade square , the top 10 are supposed to stand . Aww paisey ! Arghhhhh ! Nak masuk Normal academic ke tak ni ? * thinking * Me myself and my 5 other other friends got promoted to the normal academic stream . But me taknak masuk n.a coz i know i cant cope and must retain for 1 more year . Me taknakkkkkkkkkkkk ! At least kalau i never go n.a , i know that i have the ability to go to n.a cume i chose to go to n.t route . So tadi my last day pat skolah . Awwwwwwwwwwwww , rindu kawan'kawan me ! Jumpe next year okay ? I like my class photo !

Singapore Discovery Centre

Last thursday , me ade excursion pergi Singapore Discovery Centre ( SDC ) Gee , punye mendakkk ! Sampai , me go die punye theathre . Then talk'talk about that place yg me tak faham langusung . After that we are divided into a group of 4 people . Then me and Nabilah joined the chinese boys . Waduh , ingat'ingat drg nak tolong dalam amazing race ni . Drg tinggal kan me dengan nabilah . So now dalam group me ade 2 org je . Then me dah binget i malas nak buat tu amazing race . Question die , waduh susah banget ! Pasal Singapore  . Nanti me dah balajar baru boleh tanye okay ? Then we walk'walk here and there . Kite tak buat pun that amazing race . Me baik hati tau . Me tolong farid nye group buat robot . hahaahh ! Then we hide in the toilet tknk buat bende ni punye pasal . Perangai main hide and seek ! But the best thing are , kite dpt pakai IPHONE !

Bodoh geeeeeeeeeeeee !

Bodoh nye stalker ! Kawankawan nak tahu bende tak ? Semalam me tengah makan , then me terperasan block depan tingkat 6 tengoktengok at my directon . So i was like apasal sial ni llk , then me pun tgk drg balik . So selepas me tgk drg for a long time , they closed the window grill and the light . Then me tak ingat apeape lah that time . So while i sit at the dining table , my cousin pun datang . Then me mcm terpandang tempat tingkat 6 tu and suprisingly nmpak drg lagi holding a camera . Then me dah mcm suspicious i tell my sister . So like my sister nak tahu sape , my sister record a video at that tingkap . so mcm when my akak tgh record , kite tgk pat tingkap lagie satu . then kite masseh nmpk camera . Who the hell are you ? They juat switch on and off the light . When we swith off our light , the swithch on . So i tgk , although gelap , mcm nmpk bayangan org . Bodoh pe siolllllll ! Then in that video that we recorded , we can see many changes . We can also see the person head moving and the camera . To that stalker , Please stop doing this stupid thing can ? takde otak pe ! geeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

My Dream MP3 ^^

I wish i could own this MP3 . I just love this design :) Lawa Sangatsangat ! My MP3 dah rosak and i think i should buy a new MP3 . hahaaahh ! Mendak geeeee takde MP3 . I must save my own  $  . Hargenye berape ey ? Takpe nnt i surveysurvey dulu okay ? Mum , belikan MP3 ni boleh ? hahaah ! andand my mum will go , ''kau simpan duit dulu then pergi beli sendiri okay'' . Takpe , i akan simpan duit . Dear MP3 , u wait i come and buy u okay ?