Bodoh geeeeeeeeeeeee !

Bodoh nye stalker ! Kawankawan nak tahu bende tak ? Semalam me tengah makan , then me terperasan block depan tingkat 6 tengoktengok at my directon . So i was like apasal sial ni llk , then me pun tgk drg balik . So selepas me tgk drg for a long time , they closed the window grill and the light . Then me tak ingat apeape lah that time . So while i sit at the dining table , my cousin pun datang . Then me mcm terpandang tempat tingkat 6 tu and suprisingly nmpak drg lagi holding a camera . Then me dah mcm suspicious i tell my sister . So like my sister nak tahu sape , my sister record a video at that tingkap . so mcm when my akak tgh record , kite tgk pat tingkap lagie satu . then kite masseh nmpk camera . Who the hell are you ? They juat switch on and off the light . When we swith off our light , the swithch on . So i tgk , although gelap , mcm nmpk bayangan org . Bodoh pe siolllllll ! Then in that video that we recorded , we can see many changes . We can also see the person head moving and the camera . To that stalker , Please stop doing this stupid thing can ? takde otak pe ! geeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

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