Singapore Discovery Centre

Last thursday , me ade excursion pergi Singapore Discovery Centre ( SDC ) Gee , punye mendakkk ! Sampai , me go die punye theathre . Then talk'talk about that place yg me tak faham langusung . After that we are divided into a group of 4 people . Then me and Nabilah joined the chinese boys . Waduh , ingat'ingat drg nak tolong dalam amazing race ni . Drg tinggal kan me dengan nabilah . So now dalam group me ade 2 org je . Then me dah binget i malas nak buat tu amazing race . Question die , waduh susah banget ! Pasal Singapore  . Nanti me dah balajar baru boleh tanye okay ? Then we walk'walk here and there . Kite tak buat pun that amazing race . Me baik hati tau . Me tolong farid nye group buat robot . hahaahh ! Then we hide in the toilet tknk buat bende ni punye pasal . Perangai main hide and seek ! But the best thing are , kite dpt pakai IPHONE !

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