
 Tgh mendakkkkkkkkkkk giler ni . Now me pat umah kakak . Lepas maghrib then go back my parents home . Besok my end-of-year lah sey ! Worried sangatsangat ! Boleh bsk tak payah amik paper tak ? Cheh tak lah , fakefake ajeer . Mane lah boleh ginie mcm . Now chatting with Hana:Lovess about her problem . Kesian nye besties aku nii . Takpe , everything will have a happy ending . Dont worry , we are there for you . Smile always :) Tommorow is our CPA and MATH paper 1 . Waduhhhhhhhhhh ! Belom ingat formula lagi .. Stress nye . Wish me luck kawan :)  that all . Anything text me okay ?

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